AMS 4975, AMS 4952
UNS R54620
6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Ti
Ti-6-2-4-2, is an alpha-beta alloy that provides high temperature stability and is heat treatable. This alloy is used often in the manufacture of gas turbine components. Ti-6-2-4-2 has high temperature stability for long term applications up to 1000°F. In its sheet metal form, this alloy is often used in engine afterburner structure as well as other airframe skin applications that requires higher temperatures.
Tensile Strength: 146,000 psi
Density: 0.164 lbs/cu. in.
Available in multiple sizes and diameters in wire and spool.
Chemical Composition (Wt%):
Note: Single values are maximum unless otherwise noted. Full chemical breakdown of trace elements available in test reports.
Ti Al Zr Sn Mo
BAL 5.5-6.5 3.6-4.4 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2