Diameter: 5/32” 3/16” 1/4”
Amperage: 80-130 130-165 150-180
Characteristics: (KHN)
Microhardness vanadium carbides: 2400-2650
Microhardness tungsten carbides: 2350-2750
Microhardness chrome carbides: 1300-1700
Weld V-Tung has deposits that contain vanadium carbides which are similar to the wear resistance of tungsten carbide with higher impact strength. The vanadium carbides
dissolve and reform in the deposit. Weld V-Tung can be applied with AC or DC with reverse polarity or straight polarity. It is often used in handling highly abrasive earth-like materials.
Weld V-Tung has an excellent abrasion resistance and moderate impact strength. It has a maximum thickness of 2 layers, and a deposit cross check.
Contains: vanadium, tungsten, carbon, silicon, boron, chromium, manganese